Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Benefits of hosting your website and email off site

Many companies host their own website and email servers in house so that they can keep control over the hardware and software installed. For large businesses this can be an optimal solution because of specific needs. But for most small and medium sized businesses this is major over kill and once you factor in the cost of hardware and the cost of paying an employee to maintain the hardware you will already be well over your monthly cost for a hosted service. Lets perform a quick calculation to compare monthlyhosting and if you were to purchase your own server.
Lets assume that we will have 1 server for email and 1 server for our website. No for simplicty sake lets just look at the cost of the phsyical servers with no software at all.

Now if you go with some lower end servers you will spend an easy $3000 a server so we are already at $6000 for two servers.

Divide that by the adverage life of a server before you have to upgrade it, which is about 10 years and you have a monthly cosy of $50

Now if we even stretch the life expectancy of these servers to 20 years, we are still at $25 a month.

Now the kicker, you can find email and webhosting for as little as $2.63 a monthfor basic plans. Even going with higher end plans you could spend only $15.00 a month.

Now lets talk about the additional benifits that come with a hosted solution.

  • Reduced price a month compared to in house hosting

  • No software cost

  • No hardware cost

  • No additional cost for server upgades

  • No additional cost for software upgrade

  • No need to hire employees to maintain email

  • Hosting services offer easy to use tools to update webiste

  • Hosting services offer easy to use tools to update email

  • Better utilization fo resources to reduce costs

So as you can see for most small businesses it is more cost effective to have your web site and email hosted off site. Not only do you save money in terms of server cost, software, and employees to maintain these servers. With the services offered by most companies it becomes very easy to change your website and add additional emails as your company grows. Another benefit of a hosting solution is that it is very easy to update if you have additional needs. So if your company grows faster than you expect simply increase you plan to cover your new employees and handle your additional web traffic.

About the Author

Mike Walton, Founder of CheapAsDirtHosting has been in the IT field for 10+ years. Mike has worked in different field of IT from Web Design, Web Development, Network Administration and Systems Administration. Cheap As Dirt Hosting has been providing small business web site and email hosting since 2008.

Monday, March 12, 2012

3 Useless Traffic Building Tactics

As the web evolves, certain traffic-building tactics are going to drop by the wayside, while others will rise to prominence. Yet many webmasters will still continue to apply old tactics even once they stop working. Why, because Google doesn't announce when they change their algorithm.

Here, are three previously accepted traffic-building tactics that are now dead. If you're using any of these tactics, it's time to take a different approach and start over.

==> Marketing with Low Quality Articles

Article marketing used to be one of the most common tactics on the internet.

Webmasters would write articles on just about any topic, whether they had knowledge or not, and hope they could get that article to rank.

Once the article was ranked, they'd point a link to their website and get traffic from people who click through.

This tactic is no longer works today. Sites like EzineArticles and Article Alley have taken massive hits in traffic since the Panda update. Even eHow.com, a relatively high quality website, took a hit.

If you must use this tactic, switch to higher quality content directories like Squidoo or HubPages that have community verification of content quality.

==> Link Wheels, Linking Schemes and Structures

Linking schemes have existed ever since Google introduced PageRank. It started out with pure reciprocal linking, where webmasters linked to one another to boost rankings. Then it moved to three-way linking and quickly into the fully-fledged link wheels.

Today, Google has pretty much shut down all these linking schemes. Even the most complicated linking structures involving multiple layers of link juice flows simply are not going to do the job.

Google has implemented sophisticated detection technologies that make this method more or less invalid.

==> Directory Submissions

In the past, getting your website into various internet directories could be an easy way to improve PageRank and increase rankings. Today this approach doesn't work at all.

There are still a few directories that can pull some weight. The DMOZ community sourced directory and the Yahoo directory can still supply you some link juice.

That said, the amount of effort and money it takes to get into a quality index just isn't worth the effort. The same time and money could be put into other tactics that result in a much higher ROI.

==> Basically...

The search engine strategy is changing. Low quality links are being phased out more and more, to the point where they have virtually no effect.

The best way to get your name/product out there online today is to put out high quality content, then build links using connections with real people.

This takes longer than using instant gratification tactics, but it's what works. It's been said that in business, the one who wins, is the person who's willing to do what his competitors aren't willing to do.

In SEO, creating high quality content with high quality backlinks is what it takes. If you spend your time and energy doing this while your competitors are searching for shortcuts, you'll come out ahead in the end.